Hi my name is Pamela and I am from over at From My Front Porch To Yours. I was so honored when I was asked to participate in Christmas In July with all these fabulous ladies! I pondered for weeks what I was going to share and well after several treasure hunting trips it dawned on me!

I LOVE frames! I am addicted to frames and use them all around my house. 

I can always manage to work a frame in some where!:)

One project I do every year is to make frames as gifts for teachers or whomever. I shop for frames at HobLob when they are 50% off. I stock up thru out the year. Also at the end of the holiday season I always take part in Michaels clearance. I can find so many beautiful ribbons, stickers, chip boards, and embellishments on sale that I have to tell my self to stop and not put another thing in my cart!;) You will also need ModgePodge, craft glue and a hot glue gun plus whatever else you can imagine!

I always make such a huge mess. Most of the time the kitchen table is out of commission for two days once I get started. My boys don't mind because that means picnic time in the living room!:)

I never really now what I am going to end up with. 

Most of the time I can find the little mini gold frames in the Michaels bargain section. I love these frames because you can do so many things with them. I have even made fridge magnets with them. 

I loved this chip board box so much and hated the thought of throwing it away so instead I used it to create a layered shadowbox of sorts.

I used a white paint pen and covered up the wording at the top of the box and made it look like more snow. Then I used a vintage scene from a card I had to make it look like you are peering thru the window at Santa. Then I used some chip board pieces to cover up the other areas on the box that needed covering. This frame is one of my favorites. 

I know it is only July but for me it is never to early to get a jump start on decorating and crafting for the holidays! It will be here before we know it and I hope that I was able to inspire a few projects out there.
Thanx for stopping by!

Be sure to stop by all these fabulous ladies if you missed any of the projects shared this past week!
Amanda-The Ivy Cottage Blog
Kori-Red Hen Home
Anita-Cedarhill Ranch
Debbie-Confessions of a Plate Addict
Samantha-Crafty Texas Gals
Missy-Lookie What I Did
Linsey-The Farmhouse Porch

Back to me...Debbie at Confessions of a Plate Addict...to say a great big thank you to all of you have been celebrating an early Christmas with us by stopping by to check out our projects or by showing us yours at the Cowgirl Up! Link Party! It has been so much fun to get a little head start and enjoy some Christmas inspiration and thoughts of cooler weather! I also want to send my thanks to the ladies at Cowgirl Up! for including me and a special thank you to Anita at Cedar Hill Ranch for choosing me as her guest! It's been fun! I hope you enjoyed it, too!


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