Is it still April?…because I am having some strange occurrences in the plant world at my house that are making me think it’s December! Instead of tulips and daffodils in pretty springy pastels, my house is filled with lots of holly, jolly…RED!

For starters, my Christmas amaryllis from
five years ago is in full bloom…and HUGE! The little grands are calling it the
biggest flower ever…
…but if you have ever seen
Little Shop of Horrors, you know what I am thinking
…Feed me, Seymour! lol I do have to admit that it is gorgeous in the morning sun, though!

It also bloomed in April two years ago. You can get a better look at it
here. I do remember that, when I was a child, our next-door neighbor in south Georgia had a border of them that bloomed every spring…a fabulous display of
huge red flowers, so spring is really their normal time to bloom. We just associate them with Christmas as forced blooms.

This time it’s going to have
six flowers…
amazing! I think I have discovered the secret to making it bloom for me. I leave it outside in the pot all summer in morning sun on the patio. Once cold weather comes, I bring it into the garage and do NOTHING!! That’s right…I ignore it. I don’t even water it. Then in March, it begins to show signs of life again!

That's when I bring it inside and start watering it.
That's it! So far, I have only managed to get it to bloom every other year, so three times in five years.

But this year it has an added bonus…an additional stalk for even more flowers is starting to grow!
Woo hoo! We’ll see if my new plan works for next year since it’s going to go outside this weekend to begin its summer vacation.

My other little red beauty is my poinsettia from this past Christmas. Yep…five months ago…and it still looks like it did the day I brought it home from the grocery store! It has hardly lost a leaf! My secret for keeping it so pretty? I water it once a week. That’s it. And for some reason it is very happy! It’s going out on the patio this weekend, too, but up high where the staff can’t get at it since I understand it’s not good for them to chew it.

And here’s another peek at my confused but pretty Christmas flowers! I can’t wait to see how they do during our hot Georgia summer. I’ll keep them in the shady part of the patio and see what happens. I’ll keep you posted with my results!

Baby Kitty says he’s just waiting for all of the flowers to arrive…not because he’s a fan of things that bloom, but because he loves to chase the little lizards and frogs that live in them!
How about you? Have you had any luck getting your Christmas flowers to stay pretty? What’s your secret?Thanks for stopping by! Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants. Under the Table and Dreaming for the Sunday Showcase Party , Thrifty Decor Chick for Before and After Monday , Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday , The Stories of A2Z for Tutorials and Tips Tuesday , Coastal Charm for the Show and Share Party , A Stroll thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday , My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Inspire Me Monday, Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays , Common Ground for Share Your Style on Thursdays , French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday , The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday , Craftberry Bush for the Inspiration Gallery on Friday, Tatertots & Jello for the Link Party Palooza on Fridays See you next time! À la prochaine!
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