Today is the first day of Autumn. The first day my flowers start to shy away and hide over winter. Here are some little pretties that are si...
Homely dreams
d I was reading the latest copy of Country Style about a woman who left the city and moved to the Sunshine Coast. Her home was tucked away i...
SYTYCD Week 1 Project: Accessories...Weathered Details in the Master Bedroom
SYTYCD Week 1 Project: Accessories Welcome, SYTYCD fans! If you remember, I am a contestant in the So You Think You Can Decorate competit...
Sitter her og koser meg med deilig te og en bok jeg holder på å lage... Ikke bare bor jeg i drømmebyen, badebyen, sommerbyen og turistbyen D...
A gorgeous table concept...
My friend Sarah is getting married in the New South Wales Hunter Valley. She asked me to source ideas for her tables - which of course I was...
Pretty papers
I saw lots of beautiful stationary today. Perhaps I should write more hand written notes than sending an email... From here x
Vinneren er...
God kveld alle sammen! Så koselig at så mange ville være med på min bitte bitte lille feiring. Og tusen takk for alle koselige ord dere l...
Time to get up...
Poor Molly does it tough...
It's a tough life for Molly being allowed to cuddle up and sleep on my cushions. She has taken a while to become this comfortable. Now s...
Fotos de dormitorios de Lujo
Te mostramos algunas fotos de decoración de dormitorios lujosos por Altamoda . 1. Moderna foto de decoración de dormitorio con cama redonda ...
Hello Mr Breese, creator of fabulous art!
What fabulous art from Peter Breese. So very talented. Gorgeous colours and full of style. See more of his work here and here . xx
Cuando adaptas tu casa para ahorrar energía, estas ahorrando dinero y estas contribuyendo con el medio ambiente ¿como hacerlo? Aqui unos tip...
Armonía y bienestar gracias al Feng Shui
La principal tarea del Feng Shui es mejorar la calidad de vida humana a través del espacio y la decoración; es el arte de colocar cada cosa...
Muebles para TV modernos
La nueva central de TV de Rimadesio es lo último en su serie Cartesia. Anteriormente la serie de muebles incluía bibliotecas, estanterías, c...
Ideas para decorar paredes con marcos antiguos
Te mostramos algunas ideas de cómo decorar paredes con marcos antiguos. En este caso, la relación entre el color grisáceo de la pared y las ...